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  • Writer's pictureCarolyn

Sunday Morning: Beach Style

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

When you're on vacation, your daily rhythms and patterns likely change. But if you're looking for something that feels like a beachy take on a Sunday morning church service, you might enjoy Coffee With Jesus! Coffee with Jesus takes places across the street from the Joy Coastal condo in the courtyard outside Mr. Surfs Surf Shop. Here's how it goes down, every Sunday at 8:30AM they hold an informal church service in the courtyard between the Finns Island Style food truck and the Finns Barista Bar.

Because this is church, beach style, you can grab some coffee and breakfast tacos before Coffee with Jesus starts. The service is relatively short and generally consists of some contemporary worship songs, a brief message, and ends with communion.

Everyone is welcome at Coffee with Jesus. It's a really unique experience, which speaks to the beautiful culture of Panama City Beach. It might be just the way to start your Sunday morning at the beach!


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